All LEGO® Space Sets

Discover the endless expanses of space with LEGO®! LEGO®® City in particular has dedicated some great sets to this exciting theme world. Build your own space station with a space rocket and explore Mars with the self-built Mars Research Shuttle.

There are no limits to your imagination. Become an astronaut, experience exciting adventures and explore the mysteries of our galaxies with LEGO®.

The endless expanse: with LEGO® Duplo, LEGO® City, but especially with LEGO® Star Wars, you can explore space! Darth Vader is waiting for the LEGO® City astronaut to join him in defeating the rebels. Luke Skywalker drops by with his X-wing fighter to get the ISS back on course. The Apollo rocket does not bring supplies into space, but saves the Wookiies from slavery; the Empire is too late!

And if nothing else really helps, we have Benny from the LEGO® Movie, a classic spaceman who knows space like the back of his hand!

Let's go, let the creativity run wild!