LEGO Looney Tunes minifigures collection box, oiled oak

* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Delivery time 10-14 working days. :30.09.2022

<p><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>The item will be produced after the order is received. The shipment is expected to take place on 15.08.</strong></span></p>

Number of bricks


$(function() { if(!document.getElementById('paypal_loading_screen')) { $('body').append('' + '
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Dimensions: 25.4cm x 20.7cm x 2.6cm Mounting: coated steel; screwed Material: oak (oiled; FSC® and PEFC standard - cold-pressed linseed oil -food safe) Mounting figures ( original Lego 2x2 Plates, 3022, glued in ) Processing: milled

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